Source code for 2_caesar

Caesar Cipher

A Caesar cipher is a simple substitution cipher in which each letter
of the plain text is substituted with a letter found by moving
``n`` places down the alphabet.

For example, assume the input plain text is the following::

    abcd xyz

If the shift value, ``n``, is ``4``,
then the encrypted text would be the following::

    efgh bcd

You are to write a function that accepts two arguments, a plain-text
message and a number of letters to shift in the cipher. The function will
return an encrypted string with all letters transformed and all
punctuation and whitespace remaining unchanged.

.. note::
  You can assume the plain text is all lowercase ASCII except for
  whitespace and punctuation.


import string
import functools
import time

[docs]def timer(func): """ Simple decorator to print how many microseconds a function requires to run. """ @functools.wraps(func) # preserves the original function name def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs): tic = time.perf_counter() value = func(*args, **kwargs) toc = time.perf_counter() elapsed_time = toc - tic print(f"{func.__name__}: {elapsed_time * 10e6:0.0f} μseconds") return value return wrapper_timer
[docs]@timer def cipher_caesar(text: str, n: int) -> str: """ Encrypt or decrypt the letters in a string preserving all non letters characters (such as punctuation) according to the Caesar method: shift the letters of ``n`` position. :param text: string to be decrypted or encrypted. :type text: str :param n: number of position to shift the letters. :type n: int :return: decrypted/encrypted string. :rtype: int """ # get the total number of lowercase letters TOTAL_ASCII_LOWERCASE = len(string.ascii_lowercase) # initialise the encrypted output string encrypted_text = '' # loop over all the characters of the input string for character in text: # perform the encryption only on lowercase letters if character in string.ascii_lowercase: char_position = string.ascii_lowercase.index(character) encrypted_char = string.ascii_lowercase[ char_position + n - TOTAL_ASCII_LOWERCASE ] encrypted_text += encrypted_char # preserve the digits, punctuation and whitespaces else: encrypted_text += character return encrypted_text
[docs]@timer def cipher_caesar_v2(text: str, n: int) -> str: """ Second version of the using list comprehension. More concise. Slower on single letters, faster on longer strings than V1. Encrypt or decrypt the letters in a string preserving all non letters characters (such as punctuation) according to the Caesar method: shift the letters of ``n`` position. :param text: string to be decrypted or encrypted. :type text: str :param n: number of position to shift the letters. :type n: int :return: decrypted/encrypted string. :rtype: int """ # get the total number of lowercase letters TOTAL_ASCII_LOWERCASE = len(string.ascii_lowercase) # perform the encryption only on lowercase letters # preserve the digits, punctuation and whitespaces list_str_encrypt = [ string.ascii_lowercase[ string.ascii_lowercase.index(character) + n - TOTAL_ASCII_LOWERCASE ] if character in string.ascii_lowercase else character for character in text ] encrypted_text = ''.join(list_str_encrypt) return encrypted_text
[docs]@timer def cipher_caesar_v3(text: str, n: int) -> str: """ Second version of the using ``str``'s ``translate`` function. Even more concise, slower on single characters but definitely faster than V2 on long strings. Encrypt or decrypt the letters in a string preserving all non letters characters (such as punctuation) according to the Caesar method: shift the letters of ``n`` position. :param text: string to be decrypted or encrypted. :type text: str :param n: number of position to shift the letters. :type n: int :return: decrypted/encrypted string. :rtype: int """ # create a conversion table only for ascii letters conversion_table = text.maketrans( string.ascii_lowercase, string.ascii_lowercase[n:] + string.ascii_lowercase[:n] ) # apply the conversion table to the input text encrypted_text = text.translate(conversion_table) return encrypted_text
if __name__ == '__main__': for letter in string.ascii_lowercase: assert cipher_caesar(letter, 0) == letter assert cipher_caesar_v2(letter, 0) == letter assert cipher_caesar_v3(letter, 0) == letter for dig in string.digits: assert cipher_caesar(dig, 10) == dig assert cipher_caesar_v2(dig, 10) == dig assert cipher_caesar_v3(dig, 10) == dig for punct in string.punctuation: assert cipher_caesar(punct, 1) == punct assert cipher_caesar_v2(punct, 1) == punct assert cipher_caesar_v3(punct, 1) == punct for whitespace in string.whitespace: assert cipher_caesar(whitespace, 7) == whitespace assert cipher_caesar_v2(whitespace, 7) == whitespace assert cipher_caesar_v3(whitespace, 7) == whitespace assert cipher_caesar('rkgerzr nhgbzngvba vf njrfbzr!', 13) == \ 'extreme automation is awesome!' assert cipher_caesar_v2('rkgerzr nhgbzngvba vf njrfbzr!', 13) == \ 'extreme automation is awesome!' assert cipher_caesar_v3('rkgerzr nhgbzngvba vf njrfbzr!', 13) == \ 'extreme automation is awesome!'